
I consider myself to be a polyglot - I enjoy learning new programming languages and I’ve recently decided to teach myself some go for a project where dependencies cannot be fetched from a remote artefact repository (the ‘ship one binary’ feature of Go is really useful).

If you’re interested in reading more about Go dependency management, CoreOS has some interesting reading.


  • You’ve decided that it’s time to get some dependency management in place for your go projects.
  • You’ve selected the popular godep tool.
  • You navigate to your chosen project folder and…
  • Error: godep unable to find srcroot


Filesystem location matters a lot in Go. You’re expected to be running things from a designated ‘gopath’, but don’t confuse gopath with the location of go (don’t just set it to where go is installed).

Your gopath should be a location that you’re happy to put your go source code for the foreseeable future. I’ve set mine to /Users/andrew/go.

cat <<END >> ~/.bashrc
export GOPATH=/Users/andrew/go

This works for zsh also, simply change the filename as appropriate (to ~/.zshrc). Simply source ~/.zshrc or source ~/.bashrc to update your current terminal.

You can check this worked using echo $GOPATH.

Where to put your projects

Using GOPATH as the root directory, you can now put your source code in: $GOPATH/src/<project name here>.

Now save your dependencies

  • Navigate to $GOPATH/src/<your project> (where your *.go files are)
  • Run godep save

Now, when you check what’s in the directory below, you should see the following Godeps structure.

➜  tree
├── Godeps
│   ├── Godeps.json
│   └── Readme

Don’t edit the generated files yourself, it’s normally a bad idea.